This website gives you detailed directions of how to find Alte Villa.
Hint: Print this page in order to follow the instructions on your way here.
 | 6 walking minutes to stop Südtirolerplatz
(high-speed railway station) |
 | High-speed railway takes 15 minutes to
stop Liesing (bus station) |
 | Bus #60A takes 10 minutes to stop
Rodauner Straße |
 | 2 walking minutes to reach Alte Villa |
 | Underground (U6) takes 5 minutes to
stop Philadelphiabrücke (high-speed railway station) |
 | High-speed railway takes 10 minutes
to stop Liesing (bus station) |
 | Bus #60A takes 10 minutes
to stop Rodauner Straße |
 | 2 walking minutes to reach AlteVilla