Home AlteVilla Apartments Location Directions Photos Enquiry

This website gives you detailed directions of how to find Alte Villa.
Hint: Print this page in order to follow the instructions on your way here.

Postal address:
Breitenfurterstraße 440 (Close to the crossing of Breitenfurter-/Rodaunerstraße)
23rd district - Vienna


West - Autobahn A1

  • Driving on the A1 heading towards Vienna, coming from Salzburg
  • Change from the A1 to the A21 heading towards Graz/Hungary at the junction Knoten Steinhäusl
  • Leave the motorway at exit Perchtoldsdorf
  • You will reach Brunnerstraße, follow this street for about 2 kilometres
  • At the large crossing on the left you will see the restaurant "Gasthaus Karlwirt"
  • Turn left into Ketzergasse
  • Follow Ketzergasse for about 2,5 kilometres
  • At the crossing where the tramway traverses, turn right into Kaiser-Franz-Josefstraße
  • After 500 metres, turn left into Breitenfurterstraße
  • · After about 300 metres you will find your target on the right hand side, number 440: "ALTE VILLA"!

Süd - Autobahn A2

  • Driving on the A2, heading towards Vienna, coming from the South (Graz)
  • · After the exit "Mödling SCS", turn onto the conjunction motorway heading towards "St. Pölten - Linz"
  • Leave this conjunction motorway at exit "Perchtoldsdorf"
  • You will reach Brunnerstraße, follow this street for about 2 kilometres
  • An der großen Kreuzung ist links das Gasthaus Karlwirt
  • Turn left into Ketzergasse
  • Follow Ketzergasse for about 2,5 kilometres
  • At the crossing where the tramway traverses, turn right into Kaiser-Franz-Josefstraße
  • After 500 metres, turn left into Breitenfurterstraße
  • · After about 300 metres you will find your target on the right hand side, number 440: "ALTE VILLA"!

Südbahnhof(train station south)
6 walking minutes to stop Südtirolerplatz (high-speed railway station)
High-speed railway takes 15 minutes to stop Liesing (bus station)
Bus #60A takes 10 minutes to stop Rodauner Straße
2 walking minutes to reach Alte Villa

Westbahnhof(train station west)
Underground (U6) takes 5 minutes to stop Philadelphiabrücke (high-speed railway station)
High-speed railway takes 10 minutes to stop Liesing (bus station)
Bus #60A takes 10 minutes to stop Rodauner Straße
2 walking minutes to reach AlteVilla

Airport Wien-Schwechat

As the airport is located about 25 kilometres outside of Vienna, we recommend you take a taxi. Taxi C&K - airport flat rate: 29,-- euros Please arrange for your taxi in advance: 0043/1/44 444 A gentleman with a board saying your name will wait for you.

Home AlteVilla Apartments Location Directions Photos Enquiry